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HF Group Open Chess Tournament

Last update 29.11.2024 17:56:04, Creator/Last Upload: Kenya Chess-Federation

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Starting rank

1Ayugi, Albert
2Brian, Obimbo
3Chikove, Joseph
4Dennis, Mugambi
5Dennis, Mwilaria
6Eric, Weroh
7John, Njoroge
8John, Wanami
9Kanyingi, Bryan
10Kuria, Fred
11Michael, Odhiambo
12Omogin, Camylas
13Otieno, Edwin
14Steve, Waswa
15Rose, Wanjiku
16Ezekiel, Owiti
17Veronicah, Mwaniki
18Agnes, Wonder
19Brian, Kariuki
20Ariel, Jumba
21Stella, Munyoro