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2do CTE-A Campeonato Táctico y Estratégico de Ajedrez Sub10 Absoluto

Last update 02.12.2024 22:16:13, Creator/Last Upload: Pedro Zambrano

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Starting rank

1Bonilla, Solis Franco EmmanuelMEX1740Guanajuato
2Galvan, Arias LeonMEX1727Guanajuato
3Acacio, Torres Isaac Francisco29638330MEX1696Guanajuato
4Vilchis, Mares Luis Roberto29638372MEX1639Guanajuato
5Plaza, Ramirez AndreMEX1620Guanajuato
6Merlin, Beltran Iker EmilianoMEX1534Guanajuato
7Ramos, Ramirez Mauro DanielMEX1494Guanajuato
8Nachez, Hernandez SantiagoMEX1450Guanajuato
9Chavez Rodriguez, Luis PatricioMEX0
10Piña Hernández, Iker SebastiánMEX0
11Romo Arguelles, MatiasMEX0