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2do CTE-A Campeonato Táctico y Estratégico de Ajedrez Secundaria

Last update 04.12.2024 05:05:34, Creator/Last Upload: Pedro Zambrano

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Starting rank

1Guadalajara, Guzman AxelMEX1652Guanajuato
2Hernandez, Rodriguez Gustavo AndreMEX1591Guanajuato
3Vargas, Proa Jesus EmmanuelMEX1558Guanajuato
4Jasso, Chico Leonel SantiagoMEX1489Guanajuato
5Avila Leal, Angel SebastianMEX0
6Leal Torres, Karol MateoMEX0
7López Sánchez, Paulo CésarMEX0
8Ornelas Ortiz, Jadek ZaidMEX0