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Basic School Interschool Teacher's Chess Tournament-2081 (woman)

Last update 29.11.2024 06:32:51, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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Starting rank

1Banmala, SachitaNEP0
2Bogati, KalpanaNEP0
3Dhanchha, Chandra LaxmiNEP0
4Duwal, Chandra LaxmiNEP0
5Karki, SaradaNEP0
6Kasula, Rajya LaxmiNEP0
7Lage, Buddha LaxmiNEP0
8Lakhemaru, ReetaNEP0
9Parajuli, MeeraNEP0
10Prajapati, UrmilaNEP0
11Sainju, Rajya LaxmiNEP0
12Thapa, UrmilaNEP0