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Sistema de desempates en el siguiente orden: MEDIA DE BUCHOLZ, BUCHOLZ, SONNEBORN-BERGER, MAYOR NÚMERO DE VICTORIAS, SISTEMA ARRANZ, VOLADO.Abierta CCLP 25+5 2024-11-30Վերջին արդիացում01.12.2024 02:20:18, Creator/Last Upload: Tomas de Jesus Chavez Flores
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | ID | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Vizcarra Guardado, Luis | 0 | 5170605 | MEX | 1906 |
2 | | Morales Viscaya, Joel Artemio | 5157021 | 5157021 | MEX | 1852 |
3 | | Martinez Sepulveda, Juan Gerardo | 0 | | MEX | 1820 |
4 | | Jorajuria Mendoza, Zuben Algenubi | 5128196 | 5128196 | MEX | 1754 |
5 | | Rangel Vega, Alejandro | 5198860 | 5198860 | MEX | 1635 |
6 | | Rodriguez Castillo, Jose Carlos | 29642736 | 29642736 | MEX | 1622 |
7 | | Gomez Torres, Jose Luis | 0 | | MEX | 1609 |
8 | | Rangel Guzman, Fernanda | 29602220 | 29602220 | MEX | 1604 |
9 | | Verdugo Agundez, Antonio De Jesus | 29613710 | 29613710 | MEX | 1579 |
10 | | Fierro Esparza, Yoav Gabriel | 29613647 | 29613647 | MEX | 1559 |