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East Rand Chess Club Year End Open Section A 20241130

Last update 03.12.2024 19:36:28, Creator/Last Upload: Sanet Maritz

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Starting rank list

1Mahlangu, SelloRSA1999
2Kagande, KiethRSA1721
3Mokwena, KoleRSA1702
4Botiyana, AphiweRSA1701
5Buba, VukileRSA1679
6Grootboom, ElrichRSA1667
7Botha, Johannes ChristRSA1666
8Machet, JordanRSA1588
9Botha, Cathri AmariRSA1501
10Shen Yu, FrankRSA1499
11Mahoa, SiphesihleRSA1457
12Anthonissen, LiliyaRSA1252
13Eyitayo-Ajayi, AyomikunRSA1199
14Magabe, HopeRSA1191
15Cunniff, MorneRSA1186
16Thotse, TebogoRSA1160