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East Rand Chess Club Year end Open Section C 20241130

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony03.12.2024 19:18:12, Creator/Last Upload: Sanet Maritz

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1Kalimashe, TshireletsoRSA1768
2Naidoo, KajolRSA1637
3Papanicolaou, MilaRSA1568
4Motloung, KemoratileRSA1511
5Van Dyk, TaylaRSA1500
6Scholtz, RohannRSA1466
7Buitendag, DariusRSA1406
8Perkins, JennaRSA1378
9Mendonca, NelitaRSA1361
10Msibi, SibusisoRSA1361
11Jordaan, MikijlRSA1342
12Gemmell, RyanRSA1340
13Khumalo, Musawenkosi EthRSA1335
14Papanicolaou, AlexandraRSA1329
15Mpe, OfentseRSA1324
16Stols, Christopher JayRSA1309
17Venter, LuanRSA1295
18Cloete, AndrewRSA1293
19Devereux, CaydenRSA1268
20Erasmus, MaxRSA1262
21Lin, ShiyuRSA1252
22Motloung, OfentseRSA1216
23Nel, ZacheryRSA1215
24Kusi, Prince KwameRSA1199
25Bhomela, OwethuRSA1196
26Swanevelder, ZianeyRSA1087
27Laeke, KalebRSA1047
28Chetty, CarterRSA0
29Soni, MholiRSA0