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First Round starts at 2.30pm

15th RCC Blitz Cup-2024 @ DK

Last update 01.12.2024 10:41:40, Creator/Last Upload: Chesssaksha

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Starting rank list

1AIMAarush, Bhat33410445IND1779U12
2Louis, Kumpala5080142IND1677
3Aadhvika, A48781940IND1424wF12
4ACMPraneeth, H S531019730IND0U15
5Abhay Shankar P,IND0U12
6Anne Rachel D'Souza,IND0U12
7Eshan Sadasivan,IND0
8Gahan, Rajesh537004271IND0U07
9Karthikey Rao,IND0U07
10Ritisha, ShreerajIND0U07
11Smayan Vinodh Kumar,IND0U07
12Smithika, RIND0U09
13Vedha, N Shenoy537001248IND0wF07