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XI Jogos Inter Servidores Maceió-AL

Վերջին արդիացում28.11.2024 15:55:02, Creator/Last Upload: Caissa Eventos

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1Galvao, Joao Paulo De Freitas270083BRA2208SEDCITI
2Felix Junior, Marcelo Jose270649BRA2200SMS
3Da Silva, Silvanildo AlbuquerqueBRA1800ILUMINA
4Dos Santos, Efraim SalustianoBRA1800ILUMINA
5silva, matheus andradeBRA1800defesa civil
6Lopes, Lucas André Carvalho BritoBRA1800SEMESP
7Oliveira Junior, José NaciosenoBRA1800SEMED
8Neto, Divanildo Pedro dos SantosBRA1800Defesa Civil
9Santiago, Erick DuarteBRA1800SEMESP
10Santiago, Gabriel de AraujoBRA1800SEMTUR