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Miss Janice Rooks n Pawns Challenge

Last update 28.11.2024 13:07:21, Creator/Last Upload: Seychelles Chess-Federation

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Starting rank list

1Andre, TyronSEY1250
2Cedras, TylerSEY1200
3Eliza, Ky-ShaadSEY1200
4Reddy, MeganSEY1200
5Hokan, ScarlettSEY1100
6Leccadito, LiaSEY1090
7Naiken, EthanSEY1050
8Pool, ElleSEY1045
9Payet, HaileySEY1005
10Almeida, SkylerSEY1000
11Diallo, FarrahSEY1000
12Edmond, ChelseaSEY1000
13Edmond, SophieSEY1000
14Francoise, AsherSEY1000
15Hoarau, SkylarSEY1000
16Hoareau, KehlSEY1000
17Hokan, AimeeSEY1000
18Naiken, tejhanSEY1000
19Port-Louis, ZaniaSEY1000
20RC, AnnalisseSEY1000
21Ria, SophieSEY1000
22Assary, GiseleSEY950
23Low, LaurelieSEY900
24Servina, KayleeSEY900
25Simeon, XanderSEY880
26Guendalina, MitchSEY860
27Arnephy, SkyeSEY850
28Desaubin, CendrineSEY850
29Maria, OvrySEY850
30Amour, Ky-ManiSEY750
31Esparon, AlinaSEY700
32Songoire, DeAndreSEY700