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Tocantinense de Xadrez 2021Վերջին արդիացում28.11.2024 02:52:20, Creator: Testversion,Last Upload: Raimundo Eudes Pereira de Sousa
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | Arantes, Carlos Eduardo Goncalves | | BRA | 1800 | Gurupi/To |
2 | | Baranowski, Eduardo Filipe Miranda | | BRA | 1800 | Palmas/To |
3 | | Araujo, Enriky Castro | | BRA | 1800 | |
4 | | Macedo Junior, Euzamar Viana | | BRA | 1800 | Palmas/To |
5 | | Ciel, José Augusto Fernandes | | BRA | 1800 | |
6 | | Lima Junior, Newton Celio Gonçalves | | BRA | 1800 | Palmas/To |
7 | | Rodrigues, Pedro Jose Silva | | BRA | 1800 | Palmas/To |
8 | | Cavalcante, Rangel Costa | | BRA | 1800 | |
9 | | Rocha, Ranieri Godinho | | BRA | 1800 | |
10 | | Carvalho, Tiago Sousa | | BRA | 1800 | |
11 | | Freitas, Wallisson De Souza | | BRA | 1800 | Palmas/To |
12 | | Pires, Washington Gabriel | | BRA | 1800 | Palmas/To |