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10è Llampec Miquel Triay 2024 Club Escacs Cornella

Last update 02.12.2024 15:59:11, Creator/Last Upload: Francisco Solera Castellano

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Starting rank list

1Fabregas Soteras, Ricard2230569CAT2232Cornella C.E.
2Devos, Herve646237FRA1924Ateneu Colon C.E.
3Jordan Garcia, Jose Maria2269481CAT1821Sant Boi C.E.
4Peris Morte, Joaquim22271295CAT1811Cornella C.E.
5Ferre Arechaga, Hector54707080CAT1708Esplugues L'avenc C.E.
6Fabregas Soteras, JoaquinCAT1700Cornella C.E.
7Camara Molina, Marcel54712580CAT1518Jake C.E.