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Copa Victoria de Giron

Last update 27.11.2024 22:08:41, Creator/Last Upload: AjedrezCubano

Starting rank list of players

4Gongora Lopez, Alejandra Caridad3531406CUB1840MATANZAS
6Quevedo Martinez, Melody3539270CUB1710MATANZAS
7Rojas Garcia, Leira Elizabeth3530566CUB1670MATANZAS
10Aguila Pedre, Sofia3539253CUB1659MATANZAS
9Valdez Diaz, Mya3538966CUB1609MATANZAS
5Catala Delgado, Maria Karla3533522CUB1592MATANZAS
2Armengol Venegas, Ashly Maria3533514CUB1591MATANZAS
1Lopez Valdes, Erika Stephan3536602CUB1573MATANZAS
3Fundora Baez, Linett FelisaCUB0MATANZAS
8Perez Lorenzo, Lya de los MilagrosCUB0MATANZAS