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QCA Training Center Blitz Tournament B-November 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony28.11.2024 15:59:23, Creator/Last Upload: Qatar chess association (License 1)

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Lista startowa

1Abdulaziz Al MahasnaQATU08
2Adam ShahabeldineUSAU10
3Advaith SaravananINDU10
4Anas Mohamed AbdelmagidEGYU12
5Asma Al HammadiQATwU10
6Basim UdayIRQU12
7Fatih KhanINAU10
8Fayrouz WafieeldinEGYU10
9Jad AwadJORU08
10Kavin MaheshINDU12
11Kerem BaroudSYRU12
12Krish Rohitkumar PatilINDU12
13Marwan MohamedEGYU10
14Nita RobertINDwU12
15Omar BaroudSYRU14
16Sameer GuptaINDU10
17Tairui TongCHNU08
18Vidyuth SivaramanINDU08
19Yiduo WangCHNU10
20Zaid AwadJORU08