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Wonderland Chess Tournament in December 2024 by Alice---U8+U10

Last update 04.12.2024 05:41:06, Creator/Last Upload: Sahapol Nakvanich

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Starting rank

1Chaembang, Panerai6214460THA0U10
2Chuntupama, Wannapras6218199THA0U08
3Courtes, Paniti Tulyasuwan6222889THA0U10
4Daorueng, Dawn6224245THA0U10
5Lalitwanichkul, Pune6222790THA0U10
6Nuchsri, DronTHA0U8
7Olankittikul​, Chanaradee​THA0U8
8Sartjeenpong, Wichaya6224270THA0U10
9Yodpijit, Vincent Tho6218610THA0U10
10Zhang, JustinTHA0U8