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Wonderland Chess Tournament in December 2024 by Alice---Open

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony03.12.2024 09:59:47, Creator/Last Upload: Sahapol Nakvanich

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1Pincharoen, Piyawat6204406THA1748
2AFMLimpetcharakul, Nutnapon6215645THA1595
3Jitwichian, Pataradit6209963THA1576
4Tawankanjana, Sasinat6208894THA1547
5Suwitchanpan, Natthabhumi6220789THA1502
6Dumoulin, Peissone6223303THA0
7Harish, Kumar Shanmugasundaram33434450IND0
8Jyothi Nikhil, Neev3284670AUS0
9Na Nakorn, Suritas6224024THA0
10Soikinas, Jevgenijus12843520LTU0
11Suradee, Pithayut6216889THA0