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2024 Botash Chess Championships-Ladies Section

Last update 02.12.2024 10:17:52, Creator/Last Upload: Botswana Chess-Federation

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Starting rank

1WCMBanda, Natalie Katlo11315075BOT1871
2WCMMosweu, Atlang Amolemo11314907BOT1748
3Lorato, Dolly Thapelo11302828BOT1645
4Mothokatse, Judith11317264BOT1626
5Tsotlhe, Madingwane11319542BOT1585
6Tahla, Gofamodimo11314915BOT1538
7Motlhako, Kaone11318201BOT1502
8Kago, Boitshwarelo11321482BOT1446
9Kurusa, BothoBOT0
10Tshupo, UtlwanangBOT0