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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة

VII Campeonato Amapaense de Xadrez Rápido - Etapa III

اخر تحديث02.12.2024 00:55:15, منشئ/آخر رفع: Federacao de Xadrez do Amapa

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ترتيب البداية

رقماسم اللاعبرقم دولياتحادتقييم دوليتقييم محليجنسمجموعة
1NMLiduino Furtado De Vasconcelos Junior2109913BRA20972184
2NMVitor Luis De Jesus Silverio22797289BRA20712007U18
3NMArgemiro Braga Guara Neto2133415BRA20001823
4Rodrigo Chagas Vieira22722602BRA19351976
5Cleber Del Castillo Carvalho22720995BRA19001998
6Marcio Gomes Carvalho2152096BRA18851977
7Enzo Luis Albuquerque Pires22739246BRA18681927
8Gustavo Aurelio Linhares De Magalhaes22750681BRA18481989
9NMVictor Montero Del Aguila22722491BRA18421926
10Pedro Gortz De Melo44750170BRA18381894U16
11NMJoanderson Olimpio Gregorio22727329BRA18141985
12Henrick Vinicius Prado Dantas22729283BRA17971891
13Joao Carlos dos Santos Fernandes22787526BRA17801839
14Edinaldo Picanco Dos Passos2184737BRA17631806
15Marcos Vinicius Ferreira Pereira2152045BRA17541868
16Estevão Angelo De Sousa22781706BRA17311869U20
17Danilo Henrique Mendonca Assuncao44702159BRA17311838U18
18Jean Mello Ramos2152037BRA17041769
19Alan Breno Campos Tavares44726643BRA16951823U20
20Brayan da Costa Amoras22778632BRA01839U18
21Ana Karolina Moreno Miranda538009633BRA01820wU18
22Renan Coutinho Diniz22797637BRA01807
23Caroline Lima De Freitas538005980BRA01800w
24Gabriel Benedito Pinheiro Moreira44760795BRA01798
25Leticia Vilhena Gibson22778764BRA01798wU18
26Bryan Warley Guedes Dos Santos538009714BRA01794U16
27Guilherme Franca Fagundes Costa44747462BRA01790U14
28Perichdey Weslley Cruz Leitao538009625BRA01789
29Luiz Andre Silva De Souza538009757BRA01786U16
30Renan Rego Ribeiro44794207BRA01781
31Laysa Mireya Santos Pacheco538009676BRA01774wU16
32Alci Almeida Dos Santos Neto22776877BRA01766U18
33Willington Luis Gomes44726562BRA01766
34Pedro Henrique SilvaBRA01738U16
35Ryan Mello Ramos538009684BRA01735U18
36Donatella Martins CarvalhoBRA00U10
37Francisco Carvalho da Silva NetoBRA00
38Ramon Victor Rego Ribeiro538009706BRA00