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Torneo Intramuros de Ajedrez Varonil del ITSTB

Seinast dagført09.12.2024 02:51:29, Creator: IA Enrique Zaragoza,Last Upload: AJEDREZ CON PROPÓSITO AC

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1Velazquez, Hernandez JesusMEX1700
2Acevedo Martínez, Jose de JesusMEX0
3Alcantara Gonzalez, Jose AgustinMEX0
4Alfaro Ramirez, Jose PanuncioMEX0
5Baez Nuñez, BrayanMEX0
6Bolaños Mendoza, KevinMEX0
7Cabrera Elvira, JoseMEX0
8Covarrubias Villalobos, BrianMEX0
9Cruz Aquino, Jesus ArmandoMEX0
10Delgado Cervantes, Manuel AlejandroMEX0
11Gonzalez Lopez, Eduardo AlfredoMEX0
12Llanjo Mendoza, Jose MiguelMEX1680
13Lopez Castillo, Alan JairMEX0
14Lopez Hernandez, Joshua BirzaritMEX0
15Malaga Pulido, Cesar AlexanderMEX0
16Marquez Santillan, Manuel AlejandroMEX0
17Martinez Arano, Herwin CelsoMEX1608
18Mejia Gomez, Gael JesusMEX0
19Moreno Vela, CristopherMEX0
20Ochoa Carbajal, Ethan DanielMEX1623
21Ojeda Sanchez, AlejandroMEX0
22Perez Guerrero, GiovanniMEX0
23Ramirez Colorado, Jesus EduardoMEX0
24Ramirez Lopez, GerardoMEX0
25Ramirez Ricardo, Luis AlfredoMEX0
26Rojas Martinez, Cesar AlbertoMEX0
27Sanchez Utrera, AlejandroMEX0
28Torrecilla Contreras, AlonsoMEX0
29Varillas Romero, RogelioMEX0
30Zarate Jacome, Carlos OrlandoMEX0