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Copa Brasil de Xadrez para Deficientes Visuais 2024 - Finais - Brasília / DF FINAL FEMININA

Seinast dagført01.12.2024 15:03:44, Creator/Last Upload: FederacaoBrasiliensedeXadrez

Byrjanarlisti eftir Elo

3Marcia Maria Dias LopesBRA1901ADEVIBEL/MG
5Larissa Solange Paes De CastroBRA1827ADESUL/CE
2Cleidy GarzonBRA1796AAV/PR
8Sirlene Ponikerski RochaBRA1695ADV-SBS/SC
6Jarlene Meyre DiorgenesBRA1680ADESUL/CE
4Gláucia Teixeira De QueirozBRA1674CAP/BA
1Barbara Kelly A. P. De LimaBRA1633ADV-SBS/SC
7Claudia de Lima SantanaBRA1515CAP/BA