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Last update 26.11.2024 16:26:23, Creator/Last Upload: Gujarat State Chess Association

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Starting rank list

1Rathod, Mahmmadarsh AIND0City
2Malhotra, Aastha RajnikantIND0City
3Patel, Janvi DevangbhaiIND0City
4Prajapati, Jay VaktabhaiIND0City
5Joshi, Anant GargivkumarIND0City
6Gandhi, Vedant JaiminIND0City
7Maheshwari, Ansh SunilkumarIND0City
8Chaudhay, Dhruv RameshbhaiIND0City
9Sebhara, Shubham VipulkumarIND0City
10Brahmkshatriya, Rishuraj JigneshkumarIND0City
11Bhimani, Kashyap DipakkumarIND0City