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Janjyoti Public High School 2nd Internal Chess Tournament-2081 (Girls)

Last update 26.11.2024 11:32:59, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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Starting rank list

1BC, SitaNEP0
2Chand, SwechhaNEP0
3Chaudhari, AnushkaNEP0
4Khadka, AyushaNEP0
5Khadka, SanchitaNEP0
6Oli, AlishaNEP0
7Rokaya, BihaniNEP0
8Sen, RajbiNEP0
9Shahi, AshmitaNEP0
10Shahi, RijaNEP0
11Shrestha, RoshaniNEP0
12Shrestha, SamikshyaNEP0