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I Circuito Online da AXM

Last update 26.11.2024 09:07:42, Creator/Last Upload: Fexerj

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Starting rank list

1Lucas, BarretoBRA2104
2André, NahoumBRA1871
3Vinícius, HancockBRA1824
4Jefferson, SousaBRA1791
5Victor, HugoBRA1716
6Isaias, da PazBRA1639
7Gabriel, LuisBRA1557
8Matheus, AelBRA1489
9Bernardo, ClassBRA1304
10Caio, RibeiroBRA1134
11Ricardo, AlexandreBRA1113
12Davi, FernandesBRA896
13Diego, EnriqueBRA0
14Luiz, SennaBRA0