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Copa Brasil de Xadrez para Deficientes Visuais 2024 - Finais - Brasília / DF FINAL A

Last update 01.12.2024 14:30:12, Creator/Last Upload: FederacaoBrasiliensedeXadrez

Starting rank list of players

6Vinícius de Andrade RicieriBRA2328AAV/PR
7Rodrigo de Souza SilvaBRA2287AAV/PR
8Jaderson Lúcio PontesBRA2205ADEVIBEL/MG
5Renato Barbosa De AlmeidaBRA2124REAGIR/PR
4Carlos Marcelo EspindolaBRA2085ADVIR/SC
2Jeferson Lisboa TelesBRA2058CAP/BA
1Paulo Sergio Rezende De AlmeidaBRA2026AAV/PR
3Crisolon Terto Vilas BoasBRA1988CADEVI/SP