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3° Torneo de carácter cerrado organizado por el Círculo de Ajedrez - LC.

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♟️"Circulo de Ajedrez - LC" INVITATIONAL ♟️ / 15 de Diciembre / PREMIOS EN EFECTIVO

Last update 03.12.2024 16:31:10, Creator/Last Upload: Luis Carpio

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Starting rank list

1Navarro, Edmundo3803333PER1903
2Acevedo Chavez, Freddy Adrian3825507PER1881
3Noriega, Miguel3801322PER1870
4AIMSaenz Ayllon, Ivan David3803783PER1758
5Arroyo Valenzuela, Luigi3823814PER1740
6Guerrero Garcia, Said Claudio3855899PER1735
7Morales Semachi, Juan Aaron3883531PER1708
8Pasco Gomez, Ricardo Tito3844544PER1611
9Ninahuanca Salazar, Ana Lucia3897818PER1544
10Arcos, Luis3813401PER1541
11Boza Calsina, Rocio Stephanie3844382PER0
12Calle Galvan, MauricioPER0
13Cardenas Perez, Leyna Rosnila3826279PER0
14Espinoza Villegas, Khris Yannis81415826PER0
15Espinoza Villegas, Mia Stephanie81415818PER0
16Ibarra Policarpo, Joaquin Andres81437552PER0
17Quispe Martel, OscarPER0