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Gujranwala, 1st Azan Invitational Round Robin Chess Tournament, 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony29.11.2024 16:32:39, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Pakistan-Official

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

1Muhammad, Iqbal Khilji7802250PAK1887
2Muhammad, Ayub7801831PAK1882
3Muhammad, Nawaz7808984PAK1881
4Muhammad, Faisal Mughal7802269PAK1855
5Ahmad, Awais7802188PAK1837
6Kashif, Javed7806973PAK1804
7Sarmad, Idrees7820020PAK1755
8Jawad, Amin Butt7804423PAK1743
9Muhammad Shafique Jnr,7802170PAK0
10Shoaib Safdar Khan,7806922PAK0