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The first round will begin at 9 am on 01st December, 2024. The cash prize of Rs. 50,000/- to first 20 players and age group trophies for ages Under-7,9,11,13 and 15 years for boys and girls will be given. Entry fee will be Rs. 500/- per participant.

Nagpur District Chess Association Celebrates it’s Golden Jubilee Year 1974- 2024 Open Rapid Chess Tournament 2024 **on 8th Dec., 2024** ***Contact 9372560695***

Last update 05.12.2024 09:07:12, Creator/Last Upload: Nagpur District Chess Association

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Starting rank list

1CMChitre, Arush25959026IND2098U15
2Gawai, Siddhant25629794IND1986
3Aditya, Narendra Ukey33447454IND1679
4Yuval, Sunil Mohurle25146920IND1670U13
5AIMSwaraj, Mishra33423300IND1637U09
6Amol, Ramteke33325863IND1617
7Palash, Nagdevte45096945IND1599
8Alina, Thaware88191877IND1573wF13
9Tekam, Krunal46679820IND1549
10Khode, Nihansh88127915IND1511U07
11Gajbhiye, C D45017476IND1507S50
12Rutam, Yogesh Zanwar33415250IND1494U11
13Yodharth, Meghasham Narule88172481IND1493U15
14Viddesh, Gharpure33445303IND1457
15Zade, Chhavi88105202IND1456wF11
16Divyanshi, Khandelwal33393966IND1452wF13
17Deshpande, Anushka88130134IND1447wF11
18Dohale, ParikshitIND0U11
19Ganvir, IshaankIND0U07
20Ghodeswar, AnvikaIND0wF09
21Gujral, Kabir SinghIND0U07
22Hemant, Kumar Dewangan537017535IND0
23Jham, Riaan RiteshIND0U07
24Karnase, Manas531008046IND0U09
25Khode, Pratyush531009387IND0U12
26Kirit Sai, SudhabattulaIND0U07
27Kodhe, Atharv531008054IND0U09
28Maurya, AllaIND0U07
29Nare, AnayaIND0wF11
30Narule, Meghasham429043751IND0
31Puri, RudraIND0U12
32Saklani, AaravIND0U15
33Samundre, AnvitIND0U11