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National Youth Games Zambia 2024 - U12 Boys

Last update 05.12.2024 08:47:52, Creator/Last Upload: Zambia Chess-Federation

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Starting rank list

1Lwenyeka, Tumelo8719152ZAM1685Lusaka
2ACMSianyinda, Lubona Twalumba8728844ZAM1658Lusaka
3AFMZulu, Taonga8728879ZAM1527
4Chileshe, KhayambaZAM0Copperbelt
5Chisenga, MwapeZAM0Copperbelt
6Chongo, NelsonZAM0Copperbelt
7Kamaloni, DavidZAM0Copperbelt
8Mpashi, Stephen AndreaZAM0Copperbelt
9Mwelwa, Mwila MwansaZAM0Copperbelt
10Shambuluma, Phillip8730113ZAM0Copperbelt
11Siamalongo, Sindaza8728445ZAM0Southern
12Sichinga, ZaangaZAM0Copperbelt
13Tembo, DalitsoZAM0Copperbelt
14Zulu, DanielZAM0
15Lweendo, MwembeziZAM0
16Mukachinda, DanielZAM0
17Mulenga, JeremiahZAM0