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National Youth Games Zambia 2024 - U18 Boys

Last update 05.12.2024 09:02:36, Creator/Last Upload: Zambia Chess-Federation

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Starting rank list

1Mano, Innocent8723702ZAM1875Northern
2Mwape, Enerst8723834ZAM1762Northern
3Chongo, Malama8723583ZAM1760Northern
4Changala, EdwinZAM0
5Chilufya, Daniel8724164ZAM0Lusaka
6Chisanga, AndrewZAM0
7Kayula, TysonZAM0
8Mukuwa, JuliusZAM0Luapula
9Mulamfu, GeorgeZAM0Central
10Mulenga, GivenZAM0
11Mutinda, GabrielZAM0Southern
12Mwale, Emmanuel TokozaZAM0Luapula
13Mwale, JustinZAM0
14Mwewa, PotipherZAM0
15Ngenda, NgandaZAM0Western
16Sichinga, PatrickZAM0Muchinga
17Sichinga, TaizyaZAM0Muchinga
18Situmbeko, Davis KamonaZAM0Western
19Siwale, MaxwellZAM0Muchinga