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Last update 25.11.2024 10:14:02, Creator/Last Upload: Sri Lanka School Chess Association

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Starting rank list

1A G Yesath Namdew,SRI0
2J K P Rashmika Deshan,SRI0
3L L Mithila Prabarshana,SRI0
4L L Sanuji Anujana,SRI0
5M K Jenul Wendiya,SRI0
6O V Binuka Bhashitha Manvindu,SRI0
7R M Sanuka Yomith,SRI0
8S S W G P B andara,SRI0
9S V P Sayul Randira,SRI0
10W P Omika Lehansa Weerasekara,SRI0
11W Wihangana Weerasinghe,SRI0