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Bolton Rapidplay 2024 OPEN

Last update 01.12.2024 19:57:19, Creator/Last Upload: David Clayton

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Starting rank list

1Sarakauskas, Gediminas12800724LTU23254ncl Guildford
2Macklin, Paul455865ENG2217Swinton & Worsley Community
3Hamer, Martyn413160ENG2167Crusaders Blackburn
4Surtees, Mike J412619ENG2096Great Lever
5Elgar, Tim343413285ENG1992Ashton
6Mcdonagh, Michael434779ENG1972Chester
7Riley, ChrisENG1961Macclesfield
8Jardine, Chris343409318ENG1936Great Lever
9Nkwonta, Kelechukwu343433340ENG1887Bolton
10Sanada, TetsuakiENG1887Chorlton
11Bakhsh, Mohammad HENG1713Bury