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Torneo de Recreos NC 2024 Grupo 3 Alta

Last update 27.11.2024 18:52:48, Creator/Last Upload: arbitros queretaro

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Starting rank list

1Banales, Acosta DiegoMEX1689Queretaro
2Joya, Morales GaelMEX1522Queretaro
3Bustamante Valle, DiegoMEX0
4Felix Sampson, Dana SofiaMEX0
5Hans, SofiaMEX0
6Montes Moreno, MathiasMEX0
7Palomares Llanes, EmilioMEX0
8Ramirez Olvera, AviffMEX0
9Ugalde Diaz, SantiagoMEX0