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Kaissa Chess Grand Prix 2024 - Final leg (15th December)

Last update 03.12.2024 20:56:53, Creator/Last Upload: Cyprus Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1FMPapasimakopoulos, Alexandros4244125GRE2417
2Skouroupathis, Kyriakos5908981CYP1790
3Bobylev, Vitaly150100651FID1463
4Kyriakides, Stylianos5911354CYP1420
5Belyaev, Ivan55869874FID0
6Georgiou, Harilaos5913179CYP0
7Klesnins, Artemijs11643820LAT0
8Klesnins, Daniils11643862LAT0
9Vanezis, Stylianos336105386CYP0