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Torneo sistema suizo ideal Prueba 1

Վերջին արդիացում24.11.2024 21:47:23, Creator/Last Upload: AJEDREZ CON PROPÓSITO AC

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1GMCarlsen, Magnus1503014NOR2831
2GMBruzon Batista, Lazaro3503739USA2578
3GMLeon Hoyos, Manuel5105269MEX2465
4GMIbarra Chami, Luis Fernando5105048MEX2422
5IMDella Morte, German113522ARG2322
6IMDella Morte, Pablo108448ARG2263
7FMGonzalez Arroyo, Lenin5105110MEX2135
8Arroyo Arce, Hugo Humberto5102790MEX0
9Monreal Reyna, Elvia Zarina5118417MEX0
10Rivera Rodriguez, RaulMEX0