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CA Talent Search Chess Competition, 24 November

Last update 24.11.2024 09:02:21, Creator/Last Upload: FCG Arbiter

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Starting rank list

1FMNamitbir, Singh Walia35071068IND2367
2Uttam, Prakash Sharma46697209IND1816
3Aman, DasilaIND0
5Faisal, SaifiIND0
6Hitin, ShrivastavaIND0
7Pradhyuman Singh, TanwarIND0
9Robin Singh, RawatIND0
10Shiv, ChauhanIND0
11Shubhang, SinghalIND0
12Vikas, MananIND0
13Vineet, KumarIND0
14Vinod, KumarIND0
15Vishal, PalIND0
16Yash, GurmukhaniIND0