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Primer clasificatorio ajedrez escolar Guaicaipuro 2024-2025 Edo Miranda Sub17 Femenino

Last update 23.11.2024 20:58:06, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION VENEZOLANA DE AJEDREZ (Li.2)

Starting rank list of players

2Campos Garces, Camila VictoriaVEN0U.E.N.M. PMOM
6Galindo Ramirez, Karla SofiaVEN0U.E.P. San Jose
7Huerta Paez, Arianny DaliasVEN0U.E.E. Urquia
5Jaspe Briceno, Hanika VictoriaVEN0U.E.P. El Ilustre Americano
3Rodriguez Godoy, Andreina MirleyVEN0U.E.P. San Jose
4Suarez Carrasquel, Elina RossmirVEN0U.E.P. El Ilustre Americano
1Suarez Rangel, Chari MarianaVEN0U.E.E. Urquia