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Torneo Rápido club La Victoria Del Rey - Noviembre 2024

Last update 24.11.2024 01:10:27, Creator/Last Upload: hvillarrealmx

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Starting rank list

1Davis, Villarreal Miguel29605580MEX1815Nuevo Leon
2Salazar, Amaro Julio Francisco29615984MEX1809Nuevo Leon
3Villarreal, Benitez Santino29604591MEX1805Nuevo Leon
4Chapa, Charles Alexis Daniel29629918MEX1770Nuevo Leon
5Gastelum, Valencia Mario29645816MEX1756Nuevo Leon
6Salazar, Amaro Pedro Miguel29621585MEX1753Nuevo Leon
7Villarreal, Benitez Lucas29604583MEX1712Nuevo Leon
8Davis, Villarreal David29605571MEX1710Nuevo Leon
9Lopez, Salazar Felipe Damian29623952MEX1671Nuevo Leon
10Gastelum, Valencia Sarah Valeria29630720MEX1639wNuevo Leon
11Lagui Bautista, Fredy29621143MEX1579Nuevo Leon
12Salazar, Amaro Emma EdithMEX1532wNuevo Leon