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Litlife House Internal Rapid Tournament

Last update 23.11.2024 14:57:17, Creator/Last Upload: Kenya Chess-Federation

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Starting rank

1Kiburi, Elijah Kamau10804544KEN1816LitLife House
2Muthoga, Liam Munene10891633KEN1485
3Apamo, Shem Mali10842659KEN1545
4Apiyo, Duncan10803793KEN0
5Hongo, Victor Machel10803491KEN1804
6Hope, Amana Kairo10824308KEN0
7Kibe, James MainaKEN0
8Kiogora, Jayden10856145KEN0
9Kipkemoi, RoyKEN0
10Kipkorir, RyanKEN0
11Kithinji, MuriraKEN0LitLife House
12Muraguri, Dylan Maina10857052KEN0
13Nkatha, Salma10877894KEN0
14Wayne, AmosKEN0