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5 Rounds
Time Control : 20Min Each Player(No increment)
Tie Break : Buch Holz Cut1 ; Buch Holz; Sonne Berger; Invidial Encounter; Greater Victories Including forfiet wins.
Latest fide rules applicable; First and Second round special pairings : Barred pairing between same school/Branch.
(Remaining rounds including final round : pairing possible between same school/branches)

Knights On Board - Inter School Invidual Chess Tournament - 2024 : Sub Juniors ( I to IV Grades) Organized by Sadhu Vaswani International School

Last update 23.11.2024 08:49:37, Creator/Last Upload: S Subbaraju Hyderabad

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Starting rank list

1A Devaanshu,IND0T.I.M.E. School Kandla Koya
2Agastya,IND0St Michaels School
3Akki Yatikadeep,IND0Dhatrak Model School
4Ammannagari Vedanshi,IND0Pearson School
5Are Devansh Ram,IND0Pearson School
6Ashmit,IND0Delhi School
7D Goutham Siddarth,IND0Sri Vidya Vihar School
8D Nandith,IND0Delhi School
9Dantuluri Aadvik,IND0St Andrews High School
10Gowtham Mahaveer Reddy V,IND0Abhaya School
11Heervani,IND0St Michaels School
12Jeswitha,IND0Sri Vidya Vihar School
13K Hithika Sahasra,IND0Pearson School
14Levi Samuel Boggula,IND0St Andrews High School
15Munnipally Ashritha,IND0St Andrews High School
16Navadeep Das,IND0T.I.M.E. School Kandla Koya
17Pobbathi Bhuwan Tej,IND0Dhatrak Model School
18Sai Krishna,IND0T.I.M.E. School Kandla Koya
19Samanvi Yenigalla,IND0SVIS
20Siddarth Gautham,IND0St Michaels School
21Taksh Chidri,IND0Suchitra Academy
22Tharun Reddy,IND0SVIS
23Thoka Vivek,IND0SVIS
24Tippavajhala Nitya Sree,IND0Abhaya School
25V Sujaan,IND0Delhi School