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5 Rounds
Time Control : 20Min Each Player(No increment)
Tie Break : Buch Holz Cut1 ; Buch Holz; Sonne Berger; Invidial Encounter; Greater Victories Including forfiet wins.
Latest fide rules applicable; First and Second round special pairings : Barred pairing between same school/Branch.
(Remaining rounds including final round : pairing possible between same school/branches)

Knights On Board - Inter School Invidual Chess Tournament - 2024 : Juniors ( V to VIII Grades) Organized by Sadhu Vaswani International School

Last update 23.11.2024 11:19:07, Creator/Last Upload: S Subbaraju Hyderabad

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Starting rank list

1Sai, Susheela Reddycherla33486646IND1451St Andhrews High School
2Mahadev, Rushita HajuIND1416SVIS
3Rithvik Reddy V,IND1406St Michael's School
4Aaradhya Yelleni,IND0Delhi School
5Abhiram Krishna Reddy N,IND0Abhaya School
6Agastya Vangapally,IND0Pearson School
7Akula Omkari,IND0Delhi School
8Anay,IND0Delhi School
9B Abhinav Karthik,IND0Pearson School
10E Joshika Prakeerthi,IND0Sri Vidya Vihar School
11Ega Sushank,IND0DPS - Secunderabad
12Harshita Bhadu,IND0Army Public School
13Hiten Dinesh Mulchandani,IND0SVIS
14Joshita,IND0T.I.M.E. School
15K Sai Suhas Chandra Kondi,IND0St Michael's School
16Lalith Konda,IND0Army Public School
17M Kushal,IND0Dhatrak Model School
18Maddi Mahath Reddy,IND0St Andhrews High School
19Madhav Dadhichi,IND0Suchitra Academy
20Nayudu Jatin,IND0Sri Vidya Vihar School
21Panga Shreyank,IND0DPS - Secunderabad
22Parth Jangid,IND0SVIS
23Poohrvi B,IND0T.I.M.E. School
24Praneel Rathod,IND0Army Public School
25Rishi Yadav,IND0Dhatrak Model School
26Sahas Velagandula,IND0Abhaya School
27Sai Aneesh,IND0St Michael's School
28Sarosh Pemula,IND0St Andhrews High School
29Satyavolu Tanish,IND0Pearson School
30Sumadhva V,IND0T.I.M.E. School
31Vihaan Disha Karajanagi,IND0Abhaya School
32Vishruth G,IND0Sri Vidya Vihar School
33Y Naga Chaitanya,IND0Dhatrak Model School