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Ostatnia aktualizacja strony23.11.2024 04:18:42, Creator/Last Upload: Penggiat Catur Utara

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1Chee Cheng Swin Arthus,MAS1664U12
2Rafa Al-Iman Mohd Fahmi,MAS1642U15
3Harvinash Reddy a/l Satish Kumar,MAS1157U15
4Lucas Lee Xuan Le,MAS1013U12
5Adni Humaira Mohd Noor,MAS0U12
6Ameer Amjad Mustaffa Ali Azhar,MAS0U12
7Maahilanraj a/l Bubalan,MAS0U12
8Magilan Thanabalan,MAS0U12
9Muhd Azim Mohd Zulkifli,MAS0U8
10Muhd Irfan Mohd Azmi,MAS0U12
11Muhd Khalif Irfan Abdul Rashid,MAS0U12
12Muhd Umar Zikry Mohd Rezuan,MAS0U12
13Nur Ayra Khadijah Mohd Rezuan,MAS0U8
14Parvin a/l Poobalan,MAS0U12
15Pravinraj a/l Bubalan,MAS0U15
16Sonika a/p Satish Kumar,MAS0U12