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Suryabinayak Municipality National B Woman Chess Championship-2024 Selection for 10th National Woman Chess Championship

Last update 28.11.2024 15:01:09, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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Starting rank list

1Dhimal, Shanti12319805NEP1678
2Kapali, Binita12304018NEP1652
3Shrestha, Riya12327239NEP1640
4Gurung, Sushila12305588NEP1601
5Prasain, Punam12307548NEP1527
6Prajapati, Anshu Dil12324892NEP1474
7Acharya, AgrataNEP0
8Duwal, Shresha12347418NEP0
9Guja, Sabina12304301NEP0
10Kibanayo, Prashna12354503NEP0
11Puri, DanishaNEP0
12Sainju, AnnaiyaNEP0