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The LCA presents the latest addition of the Mbabane Chess Open, with over E9000 in prizes

Mbabane Chess Open U12 2024

Last update 23.11.2024 13:20:49, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Swaziland

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Starting rank list

1Barrat, JackSWZ0
2Dlamini, KhweziSWZ0
3Dlamini, KnowledgeSWZ0
4Dlamini, OluhleSWZ0
5Drinkwater, BrandonSWZ0
6Gamaachchi Withanage, Vinupa KalhanaSWZ0
7Gamedze, AbenathiSWZ0
8Gomes Peres, CristopherSWZ0
9Gomes, Perez CruzSWZ0
10Ingrid, SheerenSWZ0
11Kuhlase, NamisaSWZ0
12Matsebula, YandzisaSWZ0
13Pasipamire, AnotidaSWZ0
14Perera, AkeesaSWZ0
15Perera, SanuthiSWZ0
16Polpitiya, DeshaniSWZ0
17Radebe, LandelihleSWZ0