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Chess In Motion Academy Rapid Tournament Hunt the King

Last update 23.11.2024 23:19:01, Creator/Last Upload: Jamaica Chess Federation (Llicense 3)

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Starting rank list

1Allen, CaleaJAM0
2Allen, CaleeJAM0
3Ayee, NaysaJAM0
4Balfour, NathanJAM0
5Bradford, LeshaneJAM0
6Brown, TahiemJAM0
7Bryan, TaequanJAM0
8Campbell, ZaireJAM0
9Chambers, Troyann-LeeJAM0
10Clarke, RoquaineJAM0
11Dehaney, De JoireJAM0
12Donaldson, CarissaJAM0
13Elliott, KhezaniJAM0
14Foster, Ameera-JayeJAM0
15Gayle, JavariJAM0
16Gayle, LeAndreJAM0
17Goulbourne, TariqJAM0
18Grant, KaheelJAM0
19Harris, JordaneJAM0
20Johnson, KatianaJAM0
21Johnson, MaliahJAM0
22Lea, LandonJAM0
23Maxwell, TristanJAM0
24McSweeney, JacobJAM0
25Meikle, AnthonyJAM0
26Nembhard, KhahleelJAM0
27Notice, JaƩceJAM0
28O'Connor, GianniJAM0
29Patterson, MajestyJAM0
30Pusey, FrancisJAM0
31Reid, KevinJAM0
32Richardson, JoshuaJAM0
33Riley, JosiahJAM0
34Roberts, OkeelJAM0
35Smith, JamarieJAM0
36Steele, KazeraJAM0
37Thomas, KristianJAM0
38Trewick, MessiahJAM0
39Watson, MaliaJAM0
40Whittaker, JonathanJAM0
41Wilson, ChaseJAM0
42Woolcock, AriannaJAM0
43McCain, RachaelJAM0