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Torneo Escolar de Ajedrez Etapa Zona 2024 FEMENIL

Last update 22.11.2024 19:41:36, Creator/Last Upload: AE Yeudiel Ortega Vázquez

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Starting rank list

1Ortega, Mendez Grecia Lucia29606780MEX1581NORTH HILL
2Martinez, Ramirez MarianaMEX1525CUMBRES
3Sanchez, Ramirez Daniela Victoria29647851MEX1500HARMONY
4Rangel, Lopez Diana EmiliaMEX1457CUMBRES
5Ruiz, Castillo Ana OfeliaMEX1456CUMBRES
6Laureano, Torres RenataMEX1450MAPLE
7Perez Mata, Jessy MadayMEX0LOS PINOS