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Caçulinha 23 de Novembro - ALEX 2024

Last update 24.11.2024 15:00:17, Creator/Last Upload: AlvaroFrota

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Starting rank list

1Arthur Meneses,BRA1230
2Gabriel Saubermann,BRA1170
3Téo Rónai,BRA1080
4Davi Gomes,BRA1050
5João Gabriel Jacinto,BRA1020
6João Felipe Gurgel,BRA950
7Lino Dias,BRA910
8Ivan Romanov,BRA850
9Nicolas Rodrigo Nascimento,BRA840
10Alberto Cavalcanti,BRA830
11Caleb Elias Gualberto,BRA820
12Giovana Saubermann,BRA730
13Pedro Gabriel Jacinto,BRA680