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Rápido FIDE 23 de Novembro (Última Etapa do Circuito Rápido) - ALEX 2024

Last update 25.11.2024 22:28:26, Creator/Last Upload: AlvaroFrota

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Starting rank list

1Dias, Bruno Leonardo Do N.335892126613BRA19431956
2Lopes, Eduardo Moraes6429744712545BRA19431920
3Farias, Jose Carlos Mesquita4532109352BRA19061908
4Pereira, Pedro Nunes6603222790683BRA18991912
5Tavares, Davi Tavalask Cuerci8727544786298BRA18811792
6Veiga Da Silva, Paulo Roberto Costa6463022784624BRA18781849
7Mesquita, Arnaldo Leite440072185300BRA18661898
8De Oliveira, Sergio Patricio412452165481BRA18601808
9Abreu, Gabriel Vasconcellos6266122779302BRA18581827
10Das Merces, Gabriel Silva6546444735839BRA18251823
11Dias, Felipe Aguiar92551538009277BRA17690
12Barros, Jose Claide Teixeira363092137810BRA17621766
13Zoratto, Dante Leonardo366332159325BRA17531736
14Lima, Teo Ronai9012344797605BRA16461777
15Eguia, Luis Alfonso8418244766505BRA16301738
16Viana, Luiz Marcio Faria De Aquino8542444780397BRA15651688
17Kelmer, Mateus Susini92527BRA00
18Santana, Saulo Augusto Pereira93466BRA00