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Torneo Nocturno de Ajedrez Relampago BLITZ 1

Last update 22.11.2024 00:28:27, Creator: IA Victor Hugo Olmos Olalde,Last Upload: AI Daniel Rey Espíndola Morán

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Starting rank list

1GMMartinez Alcantara, Jose EDuardoMEX2697
2GMCori Quispe, Kevin Joel3814017MEX2439
3FMBenitez Lozano, Javier5102472MEX2357
4Estrella Romero, Gregorio3505235CUB2223
5CMTurincio Garcia, Sergio5110041MEX2141
6IMOcampo Vargas, Raul5100690MEX2062
7Hernandez Elizondo, Carlos5100259MEX1975San Luis Potosi
8Robles Sanchez, Fausto5112915MEX1950
9Rivera Garcia, David Moises5141907MEX1926Tamaulipas
10Benitez Diaz, Francisco Javier5103533MEX1890Ciudad de Mexico
11Bolanos, Lepere Ulises5109604MEX1877Ciudad De Mexico
12Mendez Sanchez, Fabrizzio5155649MEX1864
13Menchaca Mendoza, Irving David5185041MEX1785
14WCMBenitez Lozano, Karla5120187MEX1772Ciudad de Mexico
15Mendez Sanchez, Fabian5169844MEX1733
16Montes, De Oca Rojas Ricardo29658152MEX1660Estado De Mexico
17Hernandez, Carlos AlfredoMEX0
18Ruiz Arredondo, Rafael29646979MEX0
19Williams Sean,MEX0