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Regijsko OŠ Goriške posamezno F15

Last update 05.12.2024 09:18:17, Creator/Last Upload: SD_Posocje

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Starting rank list

1Kofol, Rafael14659220SLO1566OŠ Kanal
2Cigoj, Gabrijel14663945SLO1542OŠ Šempas
3Morencic, Mathias14640678SLO1488OŠ Deskle
4Bajc, Martin14668327SLO0OŠ Col
5Husanovic, TarikSLO0OŠ Podbrdo
6Kotnik, MaxSLO0OŠ Podbrdo
7Krivec, Erazem14668262SLO0OŠ Most na Soči