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Rápido FIDE - 23 de novembro Sede ALEX

Last update 21.11.2024 17:25:02, Creator: Fexerj,Last Upload: AlvaroFrota

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Starting rank list

1Lopes, Eduardo Moraes44712545BRA1943
2Veiga Da Silva, Paulo Roberto Costa22784624BRA1878
3Mesquita, Arnaldo Leite2185300BRA1866
4Abreu, Gabriel Vasconcellos22779302BRA1858
5Das Merces, Gabriel Silva44735839BRA1825
6Zoratto, Dante Leonardo2159325BRA1753
7Lima, Teo Ronai44797605BRA1646
8Eguia, Luis Alfonso44766505BRA1630
9Viana, Luiz Marcio Faria De Aquino44780397BRA1565
10Santana, SauloBRA0